Monday, January 31, 2011

Walking route.....

Update at: 28 May 2011. Currently considering a revised route, through the Netherlands. (Is n't that what advance planning is all about?) As always, a key consideration is the availability en route, of suitable accommodation. The weary, long distance walker does not have the luxury of extended late afternoon, energy consuming searches for a room.  Per the internet there are abundant $200/night rooms listed--Holland appears to be an expensive country. Preferred, and on budget, are the large modern youth hostels at $30/40 per night. Flying in directly from Toronto to Amsterdam  and meeting up with the Rhine via Hilversum/Utrecht, seems to yield more acceptable overnights, with approximately the same mileage involved. Final decision pending.

Commencing at the Hoek van Holland, walk upstream (except for a single stretch 25kms, Dordrecht-Gorinchem (NL) by river ferry) along the banks of the River Rhine on the nearest pathway, trail or secondary road through Rotterdam, Dusseldorf, Koln, Heidelberg, Strasbourg to Basle Switzerland, terminating at Schaffhausen (Rhein Falls). Total estimated distance 990 kms. Based on 25 kms. per day, 6 days per week, 6-7 weeks for the walk.
       Ideal commencement date would be 1st. September (2012), when walking weather should still be reasonable, after the tourist and student hordes have retreated and competition for budget accommodation-youth hostels/ b&b, has abated.