Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day # 18 Koln Deutz to Wesseling.


Rhine river bank---- pastoral.
        Contrary to rumour, the Germans do not work 7 days a week. The deserted streets of Koln welcomed me at 8.15am as a I crossed the river to the west bank and for several miles followed the embankment southwards. Enjoyed watching the land mark Koln Cathedral recede into the distance. From a nippy 11C degrees first thing, the clear sunny skies soon warmed up and I was enjoying real warmth just a short time after. At this point the Rhine vistas seem to fluctuate rapidly from pastoral to extremely industrial when the banks are lined with massive petro-chemical refineries. My guest house manager this evening, explained that the largest of the refinery operations in the region has been sold by Shell to Russian owned GazProm which has led to local protests.
         Quickly located acceptable hotel accommodation on the main street of Wesseling, (pop.12,400) that places me in a good position for the walk into Bonn tomorrow.
Rhine river bank---industrial.
           Cigarette smoking. The Germans seem to have a very relaxed attitude to cigarette smoking compared to North America. Smoking is wide-spread across age groups and genders, although not permitted in offices, shops and public areas of hotels. The packaging has a small written warning and does not extreme graphic illustrations of cancer. Cigarettes are sold widely from vending machines and at the check out counters of food stores.

19.2 kms. walked today per Google Maps.
Cumulative kms. walked: 307.6
Type of overnight lodging: Central Hotel Garni.
Cost of lodging: 48E.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christopher,
    I hope that this finds you well and without any major aches or pains? I find your narratives are most enjoyable to read, providing a great insight to the trials and tribulations of the continental Rhine.
    On what device do you plan your daily route and how is it displayed? What do you do about lunch.
    Thanks again and great effort.
    Simon EB
