Monday, January 30, 2012

Rounding up the equipment.....

Long distance walkers ---or at least those with whom I have corresponded, understand the importance of good equipment and for that reason I have decided to commence the task of assembling the key pieces, earlier rather than later, in order to provide ample time for testing & evaluation. Yesterday, I bought from local Kijiji a 100% brand new baby jogger for just $75. OK, so it's been in storage somewhere since 2008, but it should last me out for 1100 kms.
           In deference to a couple of non-cooperative spinal discs, I prefer the the jogger option for carrying vital clothes, net book and emergency food rations etc., as opposed to hoisting 10-12 kg onto a gimpy back. Always find it easier to push than carry. Interesting to see whether I draw Dutch and German police attention--old guy pushing baby on busy roads. In 2010, during my walk along the coast of England & Wales, I was stopped & questioned 11 times by police patrols who were obviously on the look out for reported deviants.
          The other purchase made recently were the boots displayed on the jogger. I opted to purchase once again the "Hi Tec" brand waterproof boots ($108) that gave me such stellar service in the UK in '10. In over 2200 kms walked, and several weeks of non-stop precipitation, never a drop of rain penetrated and I enjoyed dry, blister free feet throughout. In the end, the carbon rubber soles were showing signs of stress from the continuous scuffing on concrete.

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