Residing for a couple of nights in the palatial StayOK youth hostel. Most of the student crowd has returned to university now, so it is reasonably quiet and with an all you can eat buffet breakfast thrown in, is a steal of a deal at 19 euros per night. Situated towards the eastern side of Amsterdam this should (in theory) give me an easier exit to this rather complicated city as I make the walk to Hilversum tomorrow enroute to Utrecht.
Took the bus into central Amsterdam to re-acquaint myself with this fascinating city--last visited in '66. Opened my street map a couple of times only to be immediately assisted and directed by helpful citizens.
Not a pot smoker my self, but seemed to be flying high, with a smile on my face all afternoon from the pungent blue smoke on the streets emanating from the bars and "coffee shops".
Shall by-pass the allures of Amsterdam night life tonight for the joys of final bag packing and route preparation. Large cities are so much more difficult to escape from, than the small, one street type of place.
0 kms. walked today per pedometer:
Cumulative kms. walked: 0
Type of overnight lodging: StayOK hostel, Zeeburg, Amsterdam
Cost of lodging: 19 E
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