Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day #15 Dusseldorf to Dormagen.

         Uncurled from my bunk at 6.30am, peered out at the Rhine just 100 metres away to discern very grey skies and a steady drizzle. First precipitation I have experience since the walk started in Amsterdam almost a couple of weeks ago. A good chance to don my rain gear and take a test walk. Delighted to report that the 'breathable' poncho did in fact 'breath' and I did NOT  become wet through in my own internal rain storm as had occurred during my UK coastal walk in 2010.
       Leaving the major metropolitan area of a large city is never simple for a pedestrian stranger---only vehicle oriented signs pointing the way to the nearest autobahn/freeway. My Google maps worked fine and despite the sometimes convoluted instructions such as making U-turns on the side walk(!), I was able to make my way southwards out of the city without too many difficulties. Today, I crossed over the Rhine twice on major suspension bridges and it may be interesting to count how many times I do in fact have to cross the river via bridges and ferries before I make my walk objective in Switzerland.
        Arrived at my target town of  Dormagen at 1.00pm and was able to secure decent overnight in a local hotel. I am now within striking distance of Cologne/Koln which I consider to be a major point on the road and about a third of the total distance. Plan on having an a full days rest in this city ( ie; a non walking day), with whom I have some familiarity.
          Note on Germans from the standpoint of a road walker--who does not speak much German: in comparison to the Dutch who openly approached me with a warm smile, the Germans I pass on the trails seem to avert their eyes, are slow to smile and mostly do not speak unless I speak first. English is much less widely used/understood here than in the Netherlands, although most young Germans seem to have a fair working knowledge. That said, I have to say that this point, I have felt  quite safe on the highways & by-ways and in no way threatened.

20.6 kms. walked today per Google Maps.
Cumulative kms. walked: 263.3
Type of overnight lodging: Hotel
Cost of lodging: 55E.

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