Out onto the road in cool sunny weather at 7.30am. Walkers have a lot of time on their hands to mull over such facts that they step out at 6000 per hour, each step is 85 cms. and that projected time of arrival at target is 1.45pm---OK, I arrived 5 minutes early in Arnhem. Pleasant countryside, through some areas of forest--cool and refreshing after large doses of carbon monoxide this week. Impressed with the apparent level of affluence in the small towns through which I passed. Houses are generally immaculate and more than a few Mercedes and high end Audis filling the drive ways. A quick survey of housing prices through the windows of local real estate agents indicates prices somewhat higher than Toronto, even in these times of euro crisis.

Country side is becoming rather more undulating --a pleasant change from total flatness I walked through earlier, further northwest.
Arnhem certainly has done it's part to commemorate the battles of 1944. Monuments and shrines are widely evident. In fact, a couple of weeks ago they held a mass walk through the city at a cost of 6 E per participant. Apparently 35,000 people turned up, with the proceeds to be given to the families of veterans to be able to come to Arnhem to be able celebrate the Airborne battles.
Can report increasing leg strength and delighted to note not even a blister in sight. Suspect that my ritual of nightly sock washing may have something to do with it---that's not a scientific conclusion!
Tomorrow, a day of rest and plan to take the bus out to Osterbeek to see the Airborne museum and British Military cemetery.
27.1 kms. walked today per pedometer:
132.1 cumulative kms. walked:
Type of overnight lodging: Tamboer Pension.
Cost of lodging: 34.00E
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