Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day #6 Wijk bij Duurstede to Rhenen.

An interesting way to entice folks to toss their trash!

 An early 7.15am departure from the Red Lion hotel, Wijk bij Duurstede after a satisfying breakfast, tea, juice, toast and a selection of sliced cold meats and toast. Although not a big breakfast eater, I do and try to pack on the breakfast calories as I know that my hiking burn rate is about 50% higher than during sedate periods at the office.
            Not surprised to find at this time of the year that there was considerable early morning mist in the ‘little’ Rhine valley. As I headed due east on the Rijn Dijk road perched 20ft on top of the earthworks that constitutes a major fortification to contain the gentle late summer river that could become a major winter/spring torrent, the nearby towns, cities and intensively farmed zones along the banks are protected. This dike is massive and as I walked tried to think of how many truck-loads of soil had to be transported to build such a massive defense. Certainly have to admire the Dutch for the way they mostly seem to have overcome the hazards of living in a country that is largely below sea level.
            My route to day took me along ideal walking secondary roads through a series of immaculate & tranquil small villages & towns, Amerongen & Elst. reducing by approx. 50% the distance to go to reach Arnhem, a major industrial centre and my first major walk objective. The mist, cleared after 10.00am to reveal a strong sun and clear skies,  It is my plan to take a day’s relaxation in Arnhem and hopefully to locate the scene of the famous WW2 attempt by British airborne (unsuccessful) to take the bridge link to Germany (Operation Market Garden) and access the industrial Ruhr region.(Memorialized in the book/movie “A Bridge Too Far”).
              My resting place tonight is in the market town of Rhenen and as I was passing by the door of the only hotel in town decided stay the night. No protracted searches on aching feet--a real treat. Accommodation grade is definitely one star, but good enough for this hiker to partake of for a single night. Knowing that this to be the Netherlands, not sure what the wafts of smoke from the hotel bar will smell like tonight!

22.3 kms. walked today per pedometer:
105.0  Cumulative kms. walked:
Type of overnight lodging: The Rhenen Hotel.
Cost of lodging: 40E..


  1. Hi Chris,

    At the northwest foot of the John Frost Bridge you can find a small information centre that recounts the battle of Market Garden. http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=arnhem,+netherlands&hl=en&ll=51.975526,5.912452&spn=0.002231,0.006539&hnear=Arnhem,+Gelderland,+The+Netherlands&t=m&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.975793,5.912041&panoid=Uy8hLWfKClf_UGwSwwdVdA&cbp=12,11.89,,0,1.33 . And if you walk a short distance west you will find a small monument area to the Airborne which includes a 25-pounder field artillery gun, an icon of the second war.

    1. Thanks John for your interest. I had a most interesting day today at the Airborne museum at Osterbeek, the site of the battle. Of course all the scars of war are healed now and the town looks very affluent.Brings the real cost of war home to you when you see thousands of gravestones of boys 18-30 who made the ultimate sacrifice.
      Kind regards,
      Chris Wilkinson.

  2. One of my colleague, John Cannon is quite familiar with Holland as his father was from there. We talked about your walking along the Rive Rhine. Good Start! Your blog will be taking my mind a virtual trip to my dream place, Europe.

    From: Sun,a friend of yours and Jian
