Total walk duration: 58 days.
Days 'on the road' 49
Rest days: 9
Average distance walked: 21 kms.
Longest stage walked in a single session: 37 kms. (Oppenheim to Worms).
Total paid for lodging: 2476Euros/ $Cdn. 3169
Avg. cost per day lodgings: 43E. / $C.54
Total cost of meals purchased: 832 E / $C. 1064.
Avg. cost per day for meals/food. 14E / $C.18
Other miscellaneous expenses 'on the road' 374E. / $C.478.
Avg. cost per day misc. expenses. 6E. / $C.8
Cost of the walk 'on the road' portion: 3682E / $Cdn.4712
Avg. daily cost 'on the road': 67E. / $85Cdn.
Other costs:
Airfare one way to Europe $C.665
Luggage buggy 90
Health insurance: 248
Rain gear 133
Hostel membership 33
Travel bags (2): 32
Hiking boots 118
Total 'other' costs: $Cdn.1286
Grand total for walk: $Cdn. 5998.
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