Friday, October 26, 2012

The last day--# 58. The Rhein Falle.

              Wake at 7.30 am and lay blinking  in bed hardly able to believe that my walk from Amsterdam to the Rhein falls at Schaffhausen is finished, behind me, history. Perhaps I can relax a bit now and enjoy it in retrospect treasuring the fun times and forgetting those rotten days when the road, and the pouring rain seemed never ending. Anyway, to let those leg muscles down gently, I decided to walk the final 7 kms in the grey and overcast along the northern river bank westwards down to Neustadt the location of the Rhein Falle. These Falls, or really a cascade, are billed as the highest cataracts in Europe and on a nice sunny day would be picturesque as well as impressive. Pity the bus loads of shivering Chinese tourists who dutifully stood, their backs to the Falls, for their trophy picture.
           Interestingly the region of the Falls was the birthplace of the Swiss aluminium industry from 1880 onwards, drawing on the ample hydro-electric resource of the fast moving river. On both banks at the Falls, are major manufacturing plants and the local planners appear to have done a good job of combining industry and tourism around this natural asset.
             Tomorrow, it's a morning train to Zurich for several days relaxation in that major city.

              This is the last posting to this blog, and I thank those who have been regular readers for their interest. Should you like any additional walk details, please contact me at:

              Warm thanks to my family for their kind support, especially to my wife Jian who has has to bear the burden of my absence. Many thanks to Jeannie for releasing my brother in law Keith, who accompanied me for 250 kms and for the laughs that we shared en route.


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