Thursday, May 10, 2012

The value and utility of computer and routing maps.

           Maybe it's just my advancing years, but the thought of cold nights outside on a park bench, in a strange town is becoming increasingly less attractive. Apart from that, sleeping out is less possible these days due to extensive police patrolling that sweeps up undesirables and long-distance walkers alike, who appear to be loitering. Woe to the walker that happens to be pushing an infant stroller, aka luggage transporter. In 2010, during 3 months on the roads of the UK, I was 'detained' 11 times for road-side 'interviews', albeit by friendly and professional young officers. Time will tell if the Dutch, German, French and Swiss police are as efficient as their UK 'bobby' colleagues.
          For the reasons stated, I have invested some hours preparing a map book of all towns and cities that I plan to walk through, naming the main streets and with 4-6 alternative types of tourist hotels, B & B rooms and hostels that I favour for my walks.  For hundreds of years, Germany, has been the world leader in trade shows/ 'messe'. Most towns of note, have exhibition halls and at various times through the year are host to literally thousands of fair visitors, who descend and devour every available room in the area with the result that visitor room rates tend to double/triple for the duration.
         Google Maps has revolutionized the walk planning process for me. Gone are the days of lugging around large guide books. I have prepared best routing between overnights, using the pedestrian routing option for the entire 1200 kms. planned walk. Not a technology to be sneered at, if it can avoid, just once getting side-tracked onto pedestrian non-friendly roads of fast and dangerous traffic.
          Some long distance walkers have told me that they prefer the hand held GPS option and I can certainly see how this could be helpful. Just not there now----still an ol' fashioned paper map kind of guy, but who knows, in the future.

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